Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bluetooth Low Energy to bring new "creepy" factor to store mannequins

Iconeme Launches Bluetooth Beacon Solution for Mannequins - See more at: http://www.rfidjournal.com/articles/view?11637#sthash.O7cx1eLD.dpuf
A link to a video describing their VMBeacon

These are nothing compared to what is coming. Already I have the capability to do what these mannequins do with a simple computer like the Arduino series.  By adding a servo and an ultrasonic sensor I will be able to detect and count customers and even give them "eye contact" maybe even a wink.  I am researching using Synthetic Aperture Sonar  techniques in order to apply their benefits to short range ultrasonic arrays.  My "Ultrasonic Flashlight for the Blind" will be an interesting test bed for some techniques that can lead to  great applications. I can't wait for a mannequin to tell me where the "big and tall" department is! 
#arduino   #bluetooth  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ultrasonic Flashlight for the Blind

I finished the preliminary design and I have begun the prototyping phase for my "Ultrasonic Flashlight for the Blind". I will be using an ultrasonic generator/receiver attached to an Arduino Nano together with a three axis accelerometer and a four output motor controller to four motor vibrators in the flashlight handle. The goal is to provide ultrasonic ranging feedback based on X Y Z orientation. The design is inspired by the Amazon River Dolphin which is a dolphin with a the ability to scan its head back and forth  in order to navigate and hunt in murky flood waters in the Amazon Forest. Stay tuned for progress.